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Dusty Thunder recording AITA content during a live stream on TikTok

The Daily Goods

Dusty posts videos of stories from Reddit, followers, and other sources and provides feedback (almost) every day on TikTok and YouTube.

Additionally, compilations of all stories from a recording session (done weekly) are posted every Wednesday on YouTube and all podcast channels, like Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

The Podcast

Every month or so, Dusty brings a special guest into the studio, reads them stories, and together, they discuss the possible solutions paths and ASCON levels at play.

You can find the podcast on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more. See Linktree for a full list.

The Live Stream

You can catch Dusty LIVE to hear stories and help Dusty make determinations about solution paths and potential ASCON levels!

Live Streams currently take place every Wednesday at 3pm Central on TikTok, and every Sunday at 9pm Central YouTube, TikTok, and Twitch!

Subscribe to the Wednesday LIVE calendar event HERE!

Subscribe to the Sunday LIVE calendar event HERE!

The Behind-the-Scenes

Take a peek behind the scenes on Instagram and Facebook! You'll see the inner-workings of Dusty's day-gig at Storm Cloud Marketing, see the Thunder family in action, and you might even come across some fun reels.

Dusty's VIP Group, made up of paid subscribers from TikTok Live and YouTube, is hosted on Facebook.

The Audiobooks

It's been a long time since Dusty was active in the world of audiobooks, but you can find two of them on Audible.

Fear is Louder Than Words by Linda S. Glaz

Murder for Emily's Sake by Larry Timm